Friday, November 25, 2011

Thermal Cameras

Many ghost hunters today speak very positive things of thermal imagery being used in paranormal investigations, and I can see why. Thermal cameras see in temperature, and with cold/hot spots a supposed big determinant of paranormal activity, these camera can help a lot when searching for these spots in the air. Thermal cameras have been able to capture floating mists of cold air, and even apparitions molded by these odd air changes. But, however useful of tools these devices are, they are extremely expensive. Bottom line thermal cameras run from 1,000 to 1,500 US dollars, cameras that actually capture video run up to 5,000 bottom line, or more. One might wonder if it is possible to get anything like the effect that is seen through thermal cameras, minus that high price. The answer is, basically, no. You cannot get a clear, thermal picture without an expensive camera. But, you can still get something with thermal imaging capabilities for cheaper. A new thermal device known as a Thermasound has been built by Bill Chappell of Digital Dowsing. This Thermasound device takes a thermal sweep of an area, returning a very low pixel thermal picture of an area. A new addition to this camera device is Ultra-Sonic Range Detection, really sonar, it detects distance of things in the room, and if something new appears in the room it will show you how it moves, if at all, and how far away it is. The thermal camera on the device will also track the unknown sonar change in temperature. These together make the Thermasound a never before seen advance in the field of paranormal imagery. And for only $400, it isn't quiet cheap, but much lower in price than traditional thermal cameras, it can be found here:


  1. Good afternoon colleagues, how do I get one of these equipment.

  2. Well, Digital Dowsing does not ship outside the United States, and i think if you're in the US, you need to contact him for the Thermasound. But for regular thermal camera, you can find a few here: or you can try Ebay/Amazon
