Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New IR/Full Spectrum Lighting

Will all the new cameras coming out to the paranormal field, specially designed for ghost hunters only, like the deep IR and Full Specrum cameras, there are bound to be another wave of new technology in the realm of lights for those cameras. When it comes to IR lights, you can get those at just about any outdoors store, they're pretty common. But online it becomes a much bigger game. Many private builders of ghost hunting supplies construct their own IR lights for the field, using larger light, and larger batteries than the store bought brands. You should be able to find a few of these privatly built lights on any online shopper such as Ebay or Amazon. One thing a few of these sellers offer that you can't find in a store are IR flood lights, these lights shoot out a much more powerful beam of IR light for a greater nightshot distance. The downside to these specially made lights is they are more often than not more expensive than the store bought brands, but chances are their batteries last longer, and they're more powerful. A whole different story arises from Full Spectrum lights, which are very hard, if not impossible, to come by in any store. But you can find them all over the internet, lights specially built for the ghost hunters with the full spectrum cameras. One popular brand of FS light is Phantom, known for their large camera lights with their logo plastered on the front. Their light uses one row of IR, one row of FS, and 3 more rows of different assorted, visible, colors. I have heard more than a few bad reviews of these lights, that they don't give much light, they don't last battery wise, and their on/off buttons are easily broken. I've done research on this to find that indeed, many owners of these lights complain of all these problems, as well as the fact that they must buy a special camera mount for these lights, as they are too large for regular camera boots. Phantom is the most prominent name in ghost hunting lights these days, but there are other options. Sites like have several different options for IR and FS lights besides Phantom, like Vortex and Entity Electronics. Both of which give examples to the power of their lights, which is nothing short of impressive compaired to the Phantom FS products. You may also be able to find other producers of FS lights on Ebay or Amazon. One builder on Ebay calles themselves Colorado Para-Tech, and sells FS and IR lights there frequently, i have looked into their devices and read many reviews. From what i can tell they are very powerful for their size, and have a long battery life compaired to other lights on the market today. I hope you enjoyed the post, and i hope it helps you in the future.

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