Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Difference Between IR/UV/FS

With all the spectral cameras out in the paranormal field today, it's hard to determine the difference between certain cameras and lights as well. Let's start out basic, with IR. IR stands for infrared illumination, the standard illumination for most night vision cameras, it produces a color either of a pale gray or green. IR lights can be bought at most outdoor stores and online. Next is UV, which is Ultraviolet illumination, many mistake this light for being a full spectrum light, but they're mistaken. UV lights produce the opposite end of the spectrum from IR, normally creating a blue or purple color to camera vision. UV light can only be used as an illumination source for full spectrum cameras. Lastly is the full spectrum lights, these contain both IR and UV lights, both ends of the light spectrum, thus the term, FULL spectrum. These lights can only be bought online usually, and need a FS camera to use them. You can get the same effect with an IR light along with a UV light, but FS lights are usually the cheaper alternative. Also there are green camera lights, for cameras with no night shot. The green allows a night vision type experience, as the green produces almost no glare of basic white light. If you want to know more about these lights, tune into the first episode of my upcoming internet radio show, Paranormal Tech Talk Radio, presented by the Spookshow Paranormal Network:

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