Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Eddy Meter

An Eddy Meter measures Eddy Currents in the air around them. Eddy Currents are a special kind of swirling energy that can be found only around the human body and coming off of the third rail on electrified railroad tracks. So, with a device that can read these very odd currents, paranormal investigators may be able to more accuratly determine paranormal activity in an area. With general EMF detectors, there are many more sources of that type of energy that can set those meters off. Eddy Meters will only go off if they are near a persons current, or near the third rail. But still, investigators using these devices say they encounter odd spikes in the device they say they can't explain. These meters can be fairly hard to find and are highly experimental in the paranormal field at this point. So will these meters be the future of paranormal investigation? Only time will tell.

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