My personal collection of Ovilus devices. From left to right,
PX, Ovilus II, Ovilus I, Paranormal Puck |
A lot has been said on both ends of belief when it comes to the Ovilus. Some call it nothing more than electronic Magic 8-Ball, while others say it gets great results when used in the field. For those who don't know what an Ovilus is, it is an experimental ITC (Instrumental TransCommunication) device that uses a built in word database hooked up to environmental sensors that speaks words from the database based on the environmental changes picked up by these sensors. The idea is that spirits can manipulate the environment and choose certain words from the dictionary to communicate with us. I, personally, use several of theses devices and like using them. But there are things that a user of this device MUST know. Probably the most important thing that a user needs to know is how to listen to the words. The voice is very robotic and if you don't have a word screen for the device (you can get one from the makers website for some of the newer versions) you NEED to learn what the words are and how they sound, if you think you get a different word than what is actually coming out of the device, it ruins the experiment and makes the use of the device useless. And I mean learn ALL the words, every single one, or get the text display if you can. Not knowing the words is very common, i see it all the time and it makes me wonder why you buy this kind of device when you won't even bother to learn to use it correctly. The Ovilus can be a great experimental investigation tool, in my opinion, but only if you learn how to use it correctly, other wise you've just got yourself a talking paperweight. Also, take note that this device is experimental and shouldn't be used as evidence, ever. If you're interested in an Ovilus device, check out the builder's website
http://www.digitaldowsing.com/ never go to Ebay or Amazon for a device like this, people there will jack up the price from the original. Go to Digital Dowsing for the best deal on one of these devices.
Tomorrow's Blog: The Spiricom
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