A common version of the Sima IR light |
Sima IR lights are some of the most commonly used lights in the paranormal field. This is most likely because of the cheap price, high power, and the fact that they can be found in some hardware and outdoor stores, so the internet is not always needed. Being able to buy a ghost hunting tool of any kind in a store is a rarity, so purchasing and not waiting for shipping is a great plus for Sima lights. However, there are much more powerful lights for nightvision in the field today. Many groups build their own IR lights or floodlights, which pump near ridiculous amounts of IR power with long lasting batteries. Many investigator-built lights last 2-6 hours on one battery, while the Sima lasts around 1 1/2 hours. But, Simas need no batteries, they run on a lithium charge. Any ghost hunter will say that the lack of the need for batteries is a good thing, because batteries are a huge expense in this field. But, some people also modify their Sima lights to take AAA batteries, which last much longer than the regular chargable batteries built in when they're stock sold. But, with that, comes the need for batteries once more. Still, the Sima IR light is a powerful one, I only need to use one usually, on a Sony Handicam. My suggestion is to buy multiple, so you can use them throughout the investigation with just a quick switch when one battery runs down. They are only around $30 - $50 online or at the stores, and most come with a camera boot as well.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! :)
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