Handheld Parabolic Dish Microphone |
These large, fairly gun-like devices are usually used for animal watching or tracking, for things like birds, deer, etc. But the large amount of amplification that comes with these dish devices, makes them ideal for the paranormal community. Amplification ranges from 50 times, up to 500 times or more. I personally own one with 150 times amplification, and I have been able to pick up on legitimate EVPs in real time as they happen. One downside to these devices is, even with the small ones they take up a lot of space, so you should be prepared for a large amount of room to be taken up in your equipment cases by these devices. Another thing is that in order to use these comfortably, it needs to be fairly quiet in your area, these, like I said, amplify noise to a large extent, so prolonged talking can easily cause a headache. I picked up my device for only $30 plus shipping on e-bay, although some even cheaper than that can be found in some local outdoors stores. I find the Parabolic Dish an interesting and useful tool for investigations, and it is very much worth the money I paid.
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