Tuesday, December 6, 2011

EM Pumps

The original Digital Dowsing EM Pump
 EM Pumps are a fairly new tool when it comes to the timeline of paranormal equipment, and still mostly experimental. I first got mine last summer, and was originally skepitcal of its abilities. After one investigation with no change in the amount of paranormal activity from the other times I'd gone to this location, my skepitsim increased. But after I revisited a location where I previously only gained two class C EVPs, this time with my EM Pump in tow, my thoughts changed. I left there with almost 10 class A's and others of lower classes. I went back several more times, and gained great EVPs and other activity with the EM Pump, and minimal activity without it, basically ruling out the idea of different enviromental factors as the primary cause of the increase and decrease of paranormal activity. The first EM Pump I had was the original developed by Digital Dowsing, it pumped a maximum of 70-90 milligauss and the battery lasted 4-5 hours tops. Now I've upgraded to a larger EMF Pump built by Entity Electronics. This one plugs into the wall to save on batteries, and can pump out energy as high as 2500 milligauss, but it heats up quickly, and cannot run for very long. You can find one of these high power EMF Pumps at http://www.theghosthunterstore.com/ for usually 90-130 dollars depending on certain sales. You can also find another EM Pump from Digital Dowsing for around $45 and also their powerful EM Vortex at http://www.digitaldowsing.com/ But, in my opinion, there is nothing quite like the Entity Electronics pump out today.

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