Tuesday, December 13, 2011

EVP Listeners

The modern EVP Listener devices are usually small meters that are meant to read EMF pollution via sound rather than numbers. The idea behind these tools for the paranormal field is that they can hear EVP's in real time through the built in speaker that usually only transmits audio EMF levels. People theorize it works around the fact that EVP's reportedly originate from this certain area of EMF noise that these devices read. I personally own on of these devices, I picked it up for $50 plus shipping and, plainly speaking, it's horrible. After uses on every investigation since i bought it (3 years ago) I have received absolutely zero results. It's not like I've gotten things and later picked through them to find them false, I have gotten literally nothing but a stagnant humming from the speaker every time I turn it on. Sure, it still produces white noise, but for fifty dollars, there are much cheaper and more practical options than this. Would I recommend this device for anything? No. It is a useless ghost hunting tool, and if you're searching for EMF pollution, just pick up a small EMF detector, they're more reliable and are sometimes cheaper than one of these "EVP Listeners".

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