I did a blog about the Ovilus devices earlier, but now I figured I'd go a little bit more into specifics about certain models. The first one I'll be going over is the Ovilus I, named as it was the first device called an Ovilus to be built. It was originally built by Bill Chappell of Digital Dowsing a few years ago, and was sold along side another original invention of his, the Paranormal Puck, which I will go over in a future blog. The Ovilus I has 7 total modes of operation. The first is the Dicitionary Mode, which lets the device speak out of a preset dictionary of 512 words based on enviromental changes in the area. Second is Phonetic mode, which works just like dictionary mode, but uses a generator of certain bits of speech and words instead of full words, so spirits can say anything they please, although it is a little more difficult to hear. Third is combination mode, which combines the dictionary and phonetic mode into one mode, so you can use both at once, this is my favorite mode. Fourth is called EMF mode, where the device speaks the EMF levels in Milligauss around the device, i find this mode fairly unreliable. Fifth is Level mode, which shows a visual representation of EMF using the built in LED's, but these LED's read EMF on just about any of the other levels, so i find this one fairly inpractical as well. Sixth is called Yes/No mode, where the device only speaks those two words based on enviromental changes, its good for EVP sessions. Seventh is Dowsing mode, where the LED's light up in certain patters to recreate a dowsing rod experience, without the swinging rods, i have done a little experimenting with this, and found it shows some promise, but more use is needed before i can say for sure. The Ovilus I has been out of production since 2009 and is a rare find to buy, it is experimental only and should be treated as such, I have found it to be a useful tool, but the small dictionary is a let down. Ther current Ovilus is called the Ovilus X and is available, among other things, at
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